Realtor/Field Sales Safety

Meeting a stranger at an unfamiliar location is inherently more dangerous than meeting at your office or a neutral location. Being able to make a rapid assessment of risk and danger can prevent you from becoming a victim of violent crime. Additionally, you must have a personal safety plan that includes personal defense, escape, and summoning aid.

This training was initially developed to assist Realtors in reducing risk from meeting with unknown clients. Sparrow Defense has conducted this training since 2014. Since that time, we have expanded the training to other professional groups who routinely conduct business in their clients' houses or properties away from the public eye. Groups who would benefit from this training include: hospice nurses, home health care providers, mental health advocates, social workers, crisis teams, outside sales associates, product technicians, pest control professionals, cleaning services, delivery technicians, and others.

This is not a "hard skills" course that covers shooting or combative strikes. This is a mindset course that provides strategies for minimizing, identifying, avoiding risk. The course also explains the law as it relates to self-defense and weapons carry in the event that prevention strategies fail.

Specific areas of instruction include:

  • Identifying your personal risk behaviors
  • Pre-screening your appointments and contacts
  • Identifying access points, danger areas, and choke points in a structure
  • Implementing a check-in process for associates
  • Pre-assault indicators and behaviors
  • Sexual Assault Prevention
  • Pepper / OC Spray
  • Georgia weapon laws
  • Use of Force Law
  • Survivor mindset
  • Communication with public safety employees
  • Developing a personal safety plan
Training can be tailored to suit your organization's specific requests. This is an excellent addition to any conference, team-building activity, professional development, or luncheon.

We are happy to work with individuals or with a representative from your organization. Price is negotiable based on attendance, length of presentation, resources required, and travel.


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Registration for all Sparrow Defense courses and lessons can be completed on our Calendly page.